How To Get Prospects For Your Network Marketing Business


Let me start this post by saying that I am not particularly a fan of network marketing anymore, because of how low the commission payouts are and the aspect of recruiting people to build a team.
I came from a network marketing background. I did network marketing for two years and whilst I had some success, I made a few hundred pounds in my business, I eventually quit.
I quit for two reasons.
I didn’t like the fact that my income was dependent on my team members. So if my team didn’t have a strong work ethic as myself and they didn’t put in the work to sell products or do their own recruiting, then it meant that my income was affected.
The second reason why I quit was because I became burnt out. I did not really know how to sell the product effectively.
I remember spending nights awake, DMing people who I didn’t even know and asking them to buy my product.
Yes I got sales that way, but it certainly was not sustainable.
I also spent a lot of time at vendor markets. But it was not worth it because I often broke even or made a loss from the product sales I made on the day.
At one point I did try selling my product through Facebook Ads and I got the best success from this method, but I knew that in order to be successful long term, I needed a better strategy.
After some contemplation I decided that network marketing wasn’t how I wanted to make money and decided to give it up.
But along the way and as I developed my skills, I did learn some really great ways of attracting prospects to a network marketing business and it is this reason why I am sharing with you, some great ways that you can build a successful network marketing business.
What You Will Learn:
- Mistakes network marketers make when recruiting
- How to recruit for network marketing by blogging
- How to recruit for network marketing using Facebook
- Marketing tools you can use to grow your business quickly
Mistakes Network Marketers Make When Recruiting
The mistakes I outline here are mistakes I made myself when I did network marketing. I can identify these mistakes now, because I am in a much better place in my business now.
If I knew then what I know now, I can confidently say that I would have done so well in my network marketing business.
But I suppose this is the journey that I had to take.
So here are a few mistakes that network marketers make. Hopefully you will be able to identify if you are making any of these mistakes and act fast to correct them now.
Mistake #1
Network marketers do not brand themselves. Huge mistake!
What does it mean to brand yourself? Branding yourself simply means promoting yourself as your own brand.
What this does, is it helps you to set yourself apart from other people in your network marketing company.
So if there are 30 people in your network marketing company and they are all promoting a health and wellness product in the same way, think about how you can stand out so that people pay attention to you.
When you brand yourself, people see you as different and build a relationship with you as opposed to your network marketing company or its products.
How can you brand yourself?
Focus on promoting yourself rather than your network marketing company or their product. Focus on creating a brand around you first, then incorporate your network marketing business opportunity and the product into your brand.
For example, if you are part of a travel network marketing company, you might have a niche travel blog where you produce content on backpacking, family or all-inclusive travel or executive travel.
Some pieces of content that will appeal to these audiences who are interested in these niches might be how to travel light, how to find cheap flight tickets or best places for family vacations.
You might then create content on how to make money whilst travelling and one of the ways you suggest is by joining your travel network marketing company’s business opportunity.
Other pieces of content you produce can include selling the product, so in this case, you might produce content on best places for family vacations and one of the ways that you recommend is using the services of the network marketing company.
Here’s what happens when you brand yourself first.
You are giving your listeners and viewers the opportunity to know you. People do not buy into network marketing companies. There is no relationship with the CEO of a network marketing company. If you have a network marketing business and you want people to buy your products or join your team, you want to build a relationship with your listeners and viewers so they can buy into you, as the person.
When you brand yourself first, people begin to trust you. These days, the driver of any business is content – content is definitely king.
Content allows you to show up and appear as an expert. When you confidently show up as an expert, this builds trust over time and people start trusting your recommendations.
When people trust your recommendations they begin buying your products and if you are posting about your products in your content, strategically, you can get sales.
Mistake #2
The second mistake that I would like to highlight, is that network marketers are not prepared to do the work to actually brand themselves.
One of the things that network marketers miss which is to their detriment, is not building a website that belongs to them.
Instead they continue to rely on the website given to them by the network marketing company.
If you want to stand out and brand yourself, build your own website.
When you build your own website, you not only stand out but you now appear as professional in the eyes of your audience.
It shows that you are serious and it also creates the perception that you are not just a network marketer, but a serious brand.
So if you are still promoting your network marketing company’s own website and you do not have your own, that’s one of the things that you should correct immediately.
Now you might ask what exactly do you put on your website? Are you meant to duplicate your network marketing company’s own website?
The answer is no.
When you create your own website, focus on building your own brand.
For example, if you are a network marketer for an essential oils company, your website can provide helpful tips on how to use essential oils or why essential oils are the healthier and cleaner option for health conscious individuals.
In the content that you produce, you can then recommend your essential oils network marketing company to the reader by linking directly to your commission link.
The aim of the website is to help you build an authority around your name, so that if anyone wants advice on essential oils, they will go to you since you have positioned yourself as an expert.
If you don’t yet have your own website, we created a DIY course that helps small business owners build their own website from scratch using WordPress. Click here to check it out.
Mistake #3
One of the biggest reasons why network marketers fail in their business is because they are not creating a system that can be easily duplicated by their team members.
When team members enrol in network marketing businesses, it is up to you as the team leader, to learn a system that works for recruiting and selling your products and then creating a simple and duplicatable system that your team can easily implement.
You see, the biggest problem with this is that network marketers aren’t using a system in the first place.
What is a system?
Later on in this blog post, I will share with you one of the marketing systems you can set up in your network marketing business to recruit and sell your products.
But in short, your system is a set of tools and functions that work cohesively to help you get visibility to your business, turn the people who see your business into leads and then turn those leads into sales.
This system is automated and whilst it is available for every network marketer, most network marketers do not use it, because they do not know about it.
For the first two years in my own business, I did not use a system. That only caused me frustration with building my business.
But when I started using systems like funnels, email marketing and advertising in my business, it made running my business so much easier and reduced the overwhelm that I had.
So if you do not have a system in your network marketing business, then create one. See the end of this blog post to download the marketing blueprint which teaches you the system you can add to your business right now.
There are other mistakes that network marketers make and whilst I can go on and on, I will leave it at these three points.
How to Recruit For Network Marketing By Blogging Or Vlogging
There are several ways that you can recruit people for network marketing and sell your products, but I am going to outline two ways that I strongly recommend you focus on, for growth and sustainability.
The first way is by producing content through a blog or vlog.
I get it, blogging and vlogging might take a long time to gain traction but as you read this, I want you to start shifting your mindset.
This blog post is giving you ideas to build a profitable and sustainable network marketing business. Building profitable and sustainable businesses are not overnight tasks.
In fact it takes time to do so. Sometimes it can take someone months depending on how big their network is, but if you are just getting started as a network marketer and you do not have an audience, it could potentially take you years.
But if you get the right help from someone who can point you in the right direction and tell you what to do, in what order and when, then you may not take as long as you expect to take.
Why am I recommending blogging and vlogging? Blogging and vlogging are ways that you can position yourself to attract your ideal prospects to you.
Blogging and vlogging, when done right, are also ways that will help position you as an authority. That means that people look up to you and consume your content diligently, because you are being helpful, the content is useful and they see you as an expert.
Network marketers need to understand that they are not just product sellers. They are actually people serving other people who need help solving a problem.
When you can help someone solve a problem in their business or life, they look at you as the go-to person to get solutions and they will even pay you, if you can specifically solve a problem they have.
Therefore by consistently producing helpful content for your readers and viewers through a blog or vlog, you can build a loyal readership or viewership, who eventually come to trust your recommendations and then go on to either buy from you, or enrol under you in your team.
How to Recruit for Network Marketing Using Facebook
The second way that I’m recommending you focus on, is using Facebook.
Facebook is an ecosystem which has several arms that network marketers can use to grow their network marketing business.
Those arms are:
- Facebook business page powered by Facebook Ads
- Facebook personal profile
- Facebook groups
However most network marketers are not using this ecosystem wisely.
What I am seeing often, are network marketers pitching their products and business opportunities in a way that is unappealing and unattractive.
When using social media to promote your network marketing business, focus on delivering valuable content to your audience.
Valuable content includes helpful and useful, actionable content that your audience can take to solve a problem that they have.
I encourage you to stop pitching for sales on your Facebook pages.
With that said, here is a better way to use Facebook, to recruit prospects into your network marketing business or to sell your products.
Once you have created your website and blog, use Facebook to drive people to your content on your website.
Even if you do not want to drive people to your website, create valuable content consistently, so you can show up as an authority and be seen as an expert in what you do.
Some ways you can create content is through Facebook written posts, Facebook videos, Facebook Lives.
If you want to build community, you can also channel people from your Facebook personal page and business page to a Facebook group.
If you find that your Facebook business page is getting very little visibility, you can boost that visibility through Facebook Ads and channel people to your content on your website or to your Facebook group.
Once on your website or in your Facebook group, value must always be delivered. When you give valuable content, it is ok in some instances, not frequently though, to pitch and recruit to your business and to sell your product.
Marketing Tools You Can Use to Grow Your Network Marketing Business Quickly
So I’ve shared with you where you should focus your efforts to recruit prospects to your network marketing business.
I would now like to share with you the marketing tools I would strongly recommend you include in your business to help you grow your network marketing business quickly.
Marketing tool #1 - Website and blog
I strongly believe that having a website and blog is one of the best ways to grow your network marketing business. In fact my own personal website and blog is how I was able to grow my own business to five figures and have people coming to me, to ask me to coach them in online marketing.
It’s because my website and blog was used to command authority and target readers who were specifically interested in online marketing strategies.
If you do not yet have a website or blog, then you may wish to get started with our Build Your Small Business Website With WordPress course that takes you through the steps of DIY-ing your own website.
Marketing tool #2 - Lead magnets
Lead magnets are content pieces that you can use to bait people into giving you their contact details, so they can get access to the content that will help them solve a problem.
Lead magnets help you build email lists or a subscriber database, which you can use to stay in front of a targeted group of people who have given you permission to email them.
These lead magnets can be created on your website and should be immediately added as a tool to your network marketing business, if you want to grow a sustainable and profitable business.
Marketing tool #3 - Email marketing sequence or funnel
It follows on from your lead magnet, that you should use some type of email marketing sequence or funnel, to follow up with your subscribers and continue the conversation with them by providing additional valuable content.
The purpose of your email marketing sequence, will be to help you build a deeper relationship with your subscribers, so they can trust you enough to either join your team or buy your product.
Marketing tool #4 - Social Media Traffic Sources
Finally, social media traffic sources is one of the most important elements of any network marketing business.
You need to show up in a place where your target audience are and nurture them with content that is helpful to them.
Some social media platforms you might want to focus on are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest.
If you are just getting started with these social media outlets, do not try to use all of them. Choose one or two platforms and master them.
Learn the ins and outs of using them, understand how they help you to drive traffic back to your website and business and build a following on it.
They are all free and will help you attract people to you, help you create that awareness of your brand and can be an excellent source of leads and sales.
Wrapping Up
This blog post was longer than I expected it to be, but I am passionate about helping network marketers grow their business properly and I thought that I should give my all to creating extremely helpful content that you can glean some value bombs and implement it in your business.
I do hope it is helpful.
If you’d like my marketing blueprint with 8 steps that you should focus on in your network marketing business to grow, you can get access to it here or by clicking the button below.
If you are serious right now and are ready to take your network marketing business to the next level, I would love to take you by the hand and help you. Check out my coaching program here.

8-Step Marketing Blueprint
Want to attract more prospects, make more sales, and keep clients longer? Want sustainable and profitable business growth? Grab the FREE 8-Step Marketing Blueprint that helps you get fast growth ideas for your small business.